Are you affected by gambling?
Gambling is a complex issue that affects individuals, their families and the wider community. It’s estimated that for every person who has a problem with gambling, another 7 people are negatively affected. A person’s gambling can have social, physical, psychological and financial impacts on those who are close to them.
We offer support to those affected by a loved one’s gambling and/or substance use. Connect with people who are going through or have gone through a similar situation. Find out more about addiction and how it affects people through our Helpline, Support Groups, education programs and podcasts.
The Three Sides of the Coin project enables people with lived experience of gambling harm to become advocates for change and recovery. They learn to embody their personal stories, educate the community and train professionals about gambling harm and the common links with alcohol and other drugs, mental health, family violence and crime.
See below for more information on the supports available through FDGH.

For those affected by someone's gambling, call our free, confidential Helpline 24/7 to speak to someone who understands.
Link to the FDGH Facebook page to keep across the latest information on gambling, alcohol and drug addiction and news about our Support Groups and BreakThrough Education programs.
The Secret Lives of Families presents real-life stories of people affected by gambling.
From Ruin to Recovery, a podcast by Three Sides of the Coin, takes listeners on an emotional journey that explores the underlying reasons that lead to addiction, and is a call to understand that gambling addiction can happen to anyone.
Not a Dollar More is a free podcast series for people who are worried about gambling or who want to know more about the problems gambling can cause.
How Carolyn's gambling addiction landed her in prison, part of the Real Money podcast series, we hear from a woman who stole to pay for her gambling, and from a financial counsellor who works with people experiencing gambling harm.
People harmed by gambling perform their stories.
Highlighting the links between gambling, alcohol, drugs, mental health and family violence, the Three Sides of the Coin project is funded by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.