
At SHARC we are serious about upholding consumer rights and treating everyone with dignity and respect.   We don’t always get things right and when we don’t, we really want to know about it so we can address it and learn from the experience.

We are continually trying to do things better and improve our programs and services and the way in which we operate. We appreciate any feedback that comes in the form of a complaint.

There are two ways you can make a complaint:

  1. You can give the complaint verbally. You can do this by speaking directly to a chosen staff member or by requesting to speak a Manager or the CEO. SHARC staff will work with you to try and resolve the complaint. At times we may ask that you put the complaint in writing and will ask an independent person to help resolve it
  2. If you’d prefer, you can directly make a complaint in writing. Our Privacy Officer is an independent person who will deal with your complaint, contact you for further information and assist you to resolve the issue. You can contact them at:

Your complaint will be dealt with confidentially and respectfully, and we will always inform you about how we have dealt with the complaint and the outcome

If you are unhappy with any of these options or you don’t feel your complaint has been dealt well, you can contact:

  • the Health Services Commissioner

the Commonwealth Ombudsman