Oxford Houses is an open-ended program, providing secure, supportive and affordable homes for people recovering from alcohol and other drugs. Oxford Houses is three quarter way living, where residents are responsible for strengthening their own recovery and accountable for managing the affairs of their home within the Oxford Houses guidelines.
Each house is democratically run by the residents, who are required to pay rent, attend weekly house meetings, complete their chores and fulfil roles within the program that are designed to develop independent living skills.
Oxford Houses has seen many of its residents, after leaving the program, live rich and meaningful lives in active recovery.

To refer yourself to Oxford Houses or to find out more about the program please contact us at
- Call (03) 9573 1775
- Fax (03) 9571 8096
- oxford@sharc.org.au
SHARC gratefully acknowledges the ANMF -Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) – as a significant contributor and supporter of Oxford Houses.
To be eligible for residency at a SHARC/Mind Oxford House, an applicant needs to:
Have been abstinent from alcohol and other drugs for a minimum of 30 consecutive days – this includes pharmacotherapy (such as Methadone and Buprenorphine) and benzodiazepines
Be committed to continuing abstinence from alcohol and other drugs
Have an active recovery plan
Be prepared to participate in the life of the house and abide by the Oxford Houses guidelines